Creating a Go-To Gift Box

Life is unexpected – and recently that couldn’t have been more true.

Very good friends of mine have been on the hunt for a new place for some time. I get updates every now and then about apartments they’ve seen and liked, and things they’ve seen and hated. I always thought I’d have more time….

Then one day – I got a text: Moving next weekend – would love your help!

Oh boy.

I would do almost anything for my friends, including help them move on a chilly Saturday in February … but I don’t like to come empty handed. I am celebrator, and one week didn’t seem like enough time to go out and find the right house warming gift for a space that it felt like they had literally been on the hunt for forever.

Insert the “Gift Box”. If I had been smart, this would have already been implemented. But since I’m reactionary, I guess I’m creating one now! had put out a fantastic article about creating an emergency gift box for last minute occasions – and this was just the inspiration I needed. They spoke of four main components. The gifts need to be neutral (able to gift to anyone), meaningful (have a story), useful (no more knick-knacks!), and quality. Perfect for those spur of the moment hostess gifts, forgotten birthday, or unexpected surprise.

I wanted to share with you my shortlist of Ottawa (& beyond) gift box staples:

 Have a great gift box gift idea? Share it below!

Happy Gifting!