Safety First on Halloween
Halloween is just around the corner and that means little ghosts and goblins will be ringing your doorbell for tricks or treats:) If you have little ones enjoying Halloween this year, here are a few safety tips to ensure everyone has a safe and happy Halloween:
On the street
- Bright and reflective costumes are best to ensure visibility by everyone
- Keep costumes short to avoid tripping and falling
- Masks impede vision, try face paint instead
- Make sure that young children have adult supervision at all times
- If you are driving on Halloween be extra cautious
In the house
- Get kids to decorate their pumpkins with paint-if you will be carving make sure that adults do the carving
- Small battery-powered lights are the safest for use in jack-o’-lanterns
- If you do use candles place candlelit jack-o’-lanterns on sturdy surfaces, away from anything that can burn such as curtains, costumes and other decorations & never leave a lit candle unattended
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